Saturday, December 28, 2019

Loan Repayment And Debt Under Control - 1266 Words

Whether you just graduated, are taking a break from school, or have already started repaying your student loans, these tips will help you keep your student loan debt under control. That means avoiding fees and extra interest costs, keeping your payments affordable, and protecting your credit rating. If you re having trouble finding a job or keeping up with your payments, there s important information here for you, too. 1. Know Your Loans: It s important to keep track of the lender, balance, and repayment status for each of your student loans. These details determine your options for loan repayment and forgiveness. If you re not sure, ask your lender or visit You can log in and see the loan amounts, lender(s), and repayment status for all of your federal loans. If some of your loans aren t listed, they re probably private (non-federal) loans. For those, try to find a recent billing statement and/or the original paperwork that you signed. Contact your school if you can t locate any records. 2. Know Your Grace Period: Different loans have different grace periods. A grace period is how long you can wait after leaving school before you have to make your first payment. It s six months for federal Stafford loans, but nine months for federal Perkins loans. For federal PLUS loans, it depends on when they were issued (see details). The grace periods for private student loans vary, so consult your paperwork or contact your lender to find out. Don t missShow MoreRelatedA Report on Debt Financing and Issuance of Stocks1173 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Debt Financing and Issuance of Stocks Debt Financing and Issuance of Stocks: Borrowing money from an external source with the agreement to return based on the established level of interest is known as debt. While this concept tends to have some negative connotations, many startup companies usually turn to debt in order to finance their operations. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin Essay - 748 Words

Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin Eli Whitney : Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin and a pioneer in the mass production of cotton. Whitney was born in Westboro , Massachusetts., on Dec. 8, 1765, and died on Jan. 8, 1825. He graduated from Yale College in 1792. By April 1793, Whitney had designed and constructed the cotton gin, a machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. Eli Whitneys machine could produce up to 23 kg (50 lb) of cleaned cotton daily, making southern cotton a profitable crop for the first time, but Whitney failed to profit from his invention, imitations of his machine appeared, and his 1794 invention was not upheld until 1807. Eli Whitney and his business†¦show more content†¦Ironically, it was as a manufacturer of muskets that Whitney finally became rich. Background on the Cotton Gin The cotton gin is a device for removing the seeds from cotton fiber. Simple devices for that purpose have been around for centuries, an East Indian machine called a charka was used to separate the seeds from the lint when the fiber was pulled through a set of rollers. The charka was designed to work with long-staple cotton, but American cotton is short-staple cotton. The cottonseed in Colonial America was removed by hand, usually the work of slaves. Eli Whitneys machine was the first to clean short-staple cotton. His cotton engine consisted of spiked teeth mounted on a boxed revolving cylinder which, when turned by a crank, pulled the cotton fiber through small slotted openings so as to separate the seeds from the lint -- a rotating brush, operated via a belt and pulleys, removed the fibrous lint from the projecting spikes. The gins later became horse-drawn and water-powered gins and cotton production increased, along with lowered costs. Cotton soon became the number one selling textile. After the invention of the cotton gin, the yield of raw cotton doubled each decade after 1800. Demand was fueled by other inventions of the Industrial Revolution, such as the machines to spin and weave it and the steamboat to transport it. By mid-century America was growing three-quarters of the worlds supply of cotton, mostShow MoreRelatedEli Whitney : The Inventor Of The Cotton Gin1639 Words   |  7 PagesEli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin, was born in 1765, and from an early age he was interested in mechanics. He developed a knack for making nails and became one of the best nail makers (Piercy, 94). Whitney attended Yale College to further his education, with the goal of becoming a lawyer; he graduated in 1792 (Piercy, 94). After graduating, he planned to go to the South to tutor kids, but found that the position had been taken once he arrived there (Piercy, 95). A woman named Mrs. GreeneRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Cotton Gin By Eli Whitney1586 Words   |  7 Pages In the 1790’s the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney sparked an increase in cotton production in the South. The cotton gin decreased the labor time it took to pick seeds from the cotton. Slave owners moved or sold their slaves to deep Southern states where cotton was becoming increasingly profitable. The United States doubled in size due to President Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase. Within this territory the Cotton Kingdom led in cotton production. Slaves were chained togetherRead MoreThe Invention Of The Cotton Gin By Eli Whitney1169 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the colonial era, African slaves faced a life of struggle and fear. In 1793, the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney revolutionized economy as well as American slavery. This new machinery enabled the separation of the seeds from the cotton, making the cotton production increase extremely. However, with the increase of the white gold ( as it was called), there was a consequent increase on the request of slave labor. Therefore, slaves worked long hours on the fields, while many womenRead More The Cause Of The Civil War: Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin Essay1776 Words   |  8 Pageswhich changed the course of history. In 1792, Eli Whitney visited the plantation of Catherine Greene, the wife of Revolutionary War general, Nathaniel Greene, near Savannah Georgia. He watched cotton being cleaned; a very long and time consuming process to do by hand. Watching the cotton being cleaned an idea came to Whitney. He decided he would build a machine that would clean cotton faster than it could be done by hand. Thus, he created the cotton gin. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This inventionRead MoreEffects of the Cotton Gin1077 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Cotton Gin ! ! ! Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin around 1763. At the time he invented the engine Whitney lived with Catherine Greene, a widowed plantation owner. While staying with Greene, Whitney learned a lot about the production of cotton. He learned it was a tedious, time consuming and labor intensive job. Whitney was a graduate of Yale and was talented in the ï ¬ eld of mechanics and inventive engineering. Eli’s solution was simple, an engine that separated the cotton afterRead MoreEli Whitney : An American Originator And Constructer1363 Words   |  6 Pagesanyone to survive: sustenance, housing, and clothing. Eli Whitney, an American originator and constructer, is a major supplier to the last of these requirements. Whitney, a gentleman of great grit and a victim of ill-fated circumstances, is best recalled as the creator of the cotton gin. His creation, coupled with the advance of the textile industry by Samuel Slater, led to a cotton revolution. (Benson) Born on December 8, 1765, Eli Whitney spent his primary years on his family’s farm in WestboroughRead MoreThe Cotton Gin’s Impact on American Industry and Slavery Essay731 Words   |  3 Pagesto make cotton profitable. He promptly began working on a solution to the problem of separating the seeds from the cotton. On March 14, 1794, Eli Whitney was granted a patent for the cotton gin.1 The cotton gin impacted American industry and slavery changing the course of American history. The cotton gin was the answer to the 19th Century farmer’s woes. Before the invention of the cotton gin, not only was raising of cotton very labor intensive, but separating the fiber from the cotton seed itselfRead MoreThe Cotton Gin And The Assembly Line1494 Words   |  6 PagesThe cotton gin and the assembly line may seem at first glance like they are not that important but their lasting effects explain why things like manufacturing operate the way they do today. The cotton gin is a simple box. It has gears and a screen that with a crank on it that, when turned, is used to separate the cotton seeds from the cotton. The assembly line involves a pathway where a car or other item moves from station to station. A specially trained worker at each station will work on one specificRead MoreThe Cause of the Civil War: Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin Essay1790 Words   |  8 Pageswhich changed the course of history. In 1792, Eli Whitney visited the plantation of Catherine Greene, the wife of Revolutionary War general, Nathaniel Greene, near Savannah Georgia. He watched cotton being cleaned; a very long and time consuming process to do by hand. Watching the cotton being cleaned an idea came to Whitney. He decided he would build a machine that would clean cotton faster than it could be done by hand. Thus, he created the cotton gin. This invention changed the way the SouthRead MoreWhy Whitney Never Made It For All Things Mechanical1443 Words   |  6 PagesAs a young boy growing up in Westboro, Massachusetts it became clear that young Eli Whitney had a passion for all things mechanical. Born in 1765, Whitney spent his childhood on the family farm, however he was fascinated with machine work and technology. By age 12 it was more than apparent where Whitney’s passion was centered, he had already been tinkering with his father’s watch, taking it completely apart and re-assembling it as well as building his own violin. He even started his own business

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Entrepreneurship - Growth and Public Policy †Click to Get Solution

Questions: Case 1:Emerging Business Opportunities at IBM (HBS case No. 9-304-075) Reading article: Sull, D. (1999). Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review, July- August: 42-52.Case Study Questions:1. How did the EBO management system evolve over time? What was accomplished during:a. the Thompson era?b. the Corporate Strategy era?2. What are the key elements of the current EBO management system? What is your evaluation of the system?3. What should Harreld o?Case 2:Internal entrepreneurship at the Dow Chemical Company (IMD case No. 3-1117)Reading Article:Stevenson, H.H., Gompert, D.E. (1989). The heart of entrepreneurship. Harvard Business Review, March-April: 85-94.Case Study Questions:1. What is your evaluation of Ian Telford, the intrapreneur?2. What can you learn form Ian Telford that would help you become an effective internal entrepreneur in the future?3. How did his superiors support Ian Telford?Case 3:Project AgriNova (HBS case No. 9-813-062)Reading article: : Eisenmann, T., R ies, E., Dillard, S. (2014). Experimenting in the entrepreneurial venture. Harvard Business Publishing.Study Questions:1. What problem is Intuit addressing? What are the problems root causes?2. Will Intuits proposed solution work? What are the key uncertainties?3. What should the team do next? Please be specific. Answer: Case1 1. EBO management system evolve over time The EBO management system evolved as the worlds dominant computer company. The management analyzed the business opportunities that were not merely confined to the product upgrades. The new technology was implemented for analyzing the possibilities for commercialization of the business. It is because the need of customers has to be analyzed. Founded in the year 1911, IBM continued for many years and was known for mainframe. The company was led with the innovations and systems/360 family of products with the floppy disk and early versions. In the early 1990s, the EBO management system, upstaged the IBM by the mire nimble competitors and in the year 1991 it was the first time in 45 years that, company stopped the growing one despite a dynamic industry that was expanding. In this way, the EBP SYSTEM evolves over the time. It also has a kind of the management system, that was designed for the large and the established business with the new businesses as well (cs, Audretsch, Strom, 2009). a. During the Thompson era, it was accomplished that with the limited kind of the staff, the team made the focus on the early efforts on the development of the seven corporate EBOs, rather than making the work on the groups to evolve the own EBOs management systems. The goal that was set out was related to the fact that with each corporate EBO, there was to create the sound footing where in this process was involved that of the leadership at the corporate level strategy.b. The corporate strategy aimed at the critical changes before the Thompson era because there was to add the expertise in the project management with the help of the marketing and strategy. In the year, 2001, there was made the IBM veteran of 23 years and the member was of 300 in number. Staffing was done in the manner as to look over the meetings of the management systems. The process and the systems involves that in the year 2002, there was redefined the monthly and the quarterly reports that was provided to the sen ior management (cs, Armington, 2006). 2. Elements of the current EBO management system The key elements of the current EBO system are as follows: Leadership: as stated above, the IBM had like most of the companies traditionally assigned younger and it has less experienced employees. Therefore, it decided to make the experienced leaders with the numbers form and to the emerging business it was all useful. Competencies: many of the EBOs fall into the white spaces that exists between the established businesses ad he success that is hinged on the leaders ability to make the navigation process with ease. The best EBO leaders are skilled at working within the system and the knowledge and about come the organizational level. Recruitment and selection initially, there are many managers who doubt to become the EBOA leaders and the risks factors that were involved is that of the fact that resources are few in number. When one is working many people then one could form the opinion what they have an opinion for managers coming from different paths (Alex, McCalla and Nash, 2006). Career path: although all of the EBOs were only sometimes old, there were some questions related to the duration of the assignment with which the job was the part of the normal rotation or not was considered. Some, such as, Thompson and riley like also saw the assignment and were of the view that all the leaders need to have included in the developmental plans. In this case, there were not all the EBO s agreed. Many of them had made the attachment to the job with the fixed way and thus was given the forward look to the rotating the EBO leadership positions. The job could be said that it has the breadth and the excitement that was all difficult in other positions. Summary Once selected, the EBO leaders were evaluated using the same performance review system that was made applicable to the IBM managers and the difference as that of the reviews where these reviews were based on the financial metrics. To task force member explained the reason as of separate compensation system to make the evaluation with the strategy development like that of the engaging the market place etc (Anderson, 2002). 3. What should Harreld do? There is required to have some sort of the strategy development that is one of the primary responsibilities of the EBO leader that was reaching to the kind of the strategic clarity and the term that was used by the IBM describes the deep understanding of the marketplace and the set of the customers that was to be perused. Engaging the market place: the first thong that the herald should have to do is that to resolve the basic questions like that of the customers and the needs of their own, the EBO team has to manage and engage the direct with the market place where the part of the challenge for the EBOs was shaped to designed the evolution of the markets. In the many of the cases, they would not have been the clear directions and by crafting the simple process and the built commitments there would be established the success all the way (Audretsch, 2007). Review of the meetings: there is also need to review the meetings with the experiments that come upon and there is to revise the strategies and the designs and much of the work is to be derived from the monthly meetings and it exist between the EBO leaders and Thompson with the appropriate individuals. Summary The EBO management system looks to the marketing systems and the thus with the great pace in the market, it has made some the growth strategy and made some of the recommendations at the corporate level, and group level. At corporate level, EBO suggest to adopt the three horizons as an overall IBM business process that will devote the senior executive time to see the H2 and H3 businesses. This will improve the group level and encourage deciding the appropriate investment balance by the corporate EBOs and also defining the groups that is within the specified management systems of EBOs? Case2 1. Evaluation of Ian Telford, the entrepreneur The evaluation of the Telford lies in the fact of the well-articulated position where the complementary channel as he would have thought has clearly the defined business rules. The Telford is based on the model customer and the story that was shared by it was all convincing for the venture as regarded here in this case study. When it comes of the initial specifications then the while preparing the same specifications, was observed on the grounds that there is made no kind of the major revisions on it and the project also got the progressive nature. He met all kind of the IS Demands on the time. It means that with the process that was followed here according to this principle clearly says that with this the principles it was made the specification with the help of the certain guidelines that will make the evaluation of the company at the very ease way. At every time and on every time, there was provided the initial specifications. There were kind of some of the best IS arc hitects that were all volunteered for the project and the Belford also has recognized the work of them and had made the appreciation of the work that was done by them. When the first order was received then the question that was put was whether it will be suitable for the process to run or not. But he took the trouble and called the IS system. In fact, the instant ownership was also given of the project. The system developed was not at all saleable and it needed to one robust back up with the planning process in the line system (Carsrud, Brannback, 2007). 2. learn from Ian Telford One thing that could be learning from the Telford is the strategy and the building of the right team. The Telfords team includes that of the John Everett, Olivares and Lomba. All these three look for the change in the assignment. Telford, while sharing his experience on how he acquired the Olivares said that when he was in Cuba, he told that this is the marketing job available for you and there is no kind of the description, level or the title. It is somehow risky. He also explained that there was the chaos whether the present venture will survive or not or even he said that he would be surviving like his boss is not known to him. When the Telford was asked that what would happen when the venture got failed. Then he replied that it would be like a hit to his career. But simultaneously he was not worried for it. He was more concerned with the experience and the future of the team members. Even they all were ready to take the decisions on the risky assignment. It was this way that made them decided what was really occurring in this stage and with these there comes the way that he tried to develop the escape routes to all. The team was this bonded easily and they enthusiastically pursued the task of launching the business and it was January 2001, where the launch covered the US and Europe. Telford also sent the e-mail. Ian was having a rich experience in the industry and with it has come the deep marketing insights and also had worked with the deep marketing insights. There is always the grown chance to measure the time of it. He also possesses the exceptional ability to understand the stake holders and dance around the vested interests. He could be said to be the all-rounder in this field. So, his team building up and the way he got experience teach and make us learn more about it. 3. How superiors support Ian Telford It is always the senior executive that had made a kind of the support to the Telford and his company where there was made the connection between the venture proposal to the big strategic opportunity that was made for the company to survive and for the growth of it. When there is made the lot of time is to be made spend in from of the venture, then the lots about the discussing about the data and the idea, suggesting the lot about the time for the investment process and etc, are to be made,. Even what group of the people should be involved is the question and there must be ensure that they are agile. We have to learn to make the decisions on this respect. Some of the entrepreneurs will make a rush from A to B, knocking the down barriers while there may become the obstacles and they will make a run on it. It may be more kind of the smarter to go with the effective way. The superiors have played a greater role, as they have always made the right approach and the direction in the manner that has made the profit-loss share of the company to be run in the proper manner. The rounding process of the entrepreneur is to be solved ad this is the only way that the superiors have made the solution of the problem in this respect with which they have carried upon on the same task. The superiors have always made the fair kind of the assistance in this respect where the entrepreneurship has been carried with the good way and thus maintained the profits of the company in this regard (Carsrud, A. L., Brannback, 2007). Summary Telford has been experienced a lot from the business and the industries and with it Belford, proposed the pricing strategy on the web that was higher than the net price after there was made the volume discounts. Belford has tested the prototype of the site and that has put the good business plan. The rumor that was started was that with the leading chemical distributor there were two major chemicals company and the internet company coming together. This was the reason he got the top management commitment. Case 3 1. Problem Intuit is addressing Here following are the problems that intuit are addressing to: Lack of transparency: there is the lack of transparency and with these there will be no kind of transparency and the company will not be able to provide on the mere grounds that will make the good to the farmers as Mahatma Gandhi refereed, farmers as the backbone of the country. Would farmers be able to estimate their gains: another question that has been raised is that whether they will be able to estimate the gains? When the crop seasons come and the farmers put a lot of the seeds and they would definitely expect the return on it with the good income, then they would experience the gain or not. Farmers sold about 65% of the produce with which the wholesale markets that are known as the mandis the is within the 40 miles of where they lived produced this much of produce. Would farmers be getting the tangible financial value form the services?: the auction sale is one of the process of the transaction in the mandis and with it comes the farmers auctioning their produce by placing it on the outside of the agents store and within the time, one by one with it, each of the farmers name would come to the ascending prices. More of the auctions will make the financial conditions good and stable. Would intuit be able to handle the operational challenge of collecting reliable: agriculture represented the 25% of the Indias GDP and has also been accounted for the 60% to 70% and there could be said they it will be able or not the handle depends on the data and facts as has been presented in this case study (Audretsch,, 2007). Root causes: The root causes are that the farmers could not make the effort of the high yield seeds, fertilizers and the pesticides. With this, they also have the lack of the knowledge of the volatile harvests and farmers were often impoverished. Intuits proposed solution work Intuits proposed solution work in regard to this will work as the method of the follow me home was carefully observed how the customers used the products in the real world and also the agrinova team went into the nearby rural areas with the state of the Karnataka and they found that they were happy that someone is solving their problem and helping them. Farmers are community oriented. With it, there was also seen the fact that they have the better understanding of the crops and it is to some extent. With the help of the mobile technology like that of the mobiles that could be reached there the problem of the farmers will be sort out. The group also emphasized to use the information technology and the mobile phones to increase the size of the farmers where there could be made the networks. This way the great kind of the help will be provided in order to give the placement to the farmers and the methods and the programs they have been followed at the greater extent will help the one to gain momentum in this the very was. The business opportunities will gain. The uncertainties are that the farmers do not know what to grow. They had no kind of information regarding the plant of the gibe crop. Therefore, they lack the knowledge, that what are the crops that could be sown for the export purposes. What should the team do next Because of the reasons that the mandis do lack the transparency therefore to have the two potential services will help the farmers and that is crop exchange and the price discovery service. There will be given the several free and the subscription based internet, voice based agricultural information and the SMS that will provide the mandi crop prices. Secondly, the tangible financial benefit is realized or not by the farmer was put into the question(Alex, McCalla and Nash, 2006) Summary This focuses on the searching of the new business opportunities where the agriculture represented the 25% of Indias GDP and it is well known from the fact that the account is of the 60% employment. There were approximately sad to be the 150 million farmers and with it has come the crops sale rather than personal consumptions. The early ideas were explained by the experts in order to understand the problems. So, they suggested the kind of the divisions of the groups to assist them. References: cs, z. J., Audretsch, D. B., Strom, R. J. (2009). Entrepreneurship, growth, and public policy. Kauffman-Max Planck Summit on Entrepreneurship Research and Policy. New York: Cambridge University Press. cs, z. J., Armington, C. (2006). Entrepreneurship, geography, and American economic growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Alex F. McCalla and John Nash (2006) ,Agricultural Trade Reform and Developing Countries:Issues, Challenges, and Structure of the Volume 1 Anderson K, 2002. Developing Country Interests in WTO-induced Agricultural Trade Reform, Cheltenham. Audretsch, D. B. (2007). The entrepreneurial society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Carsrud, A. L., Brannback, M. (2007). Entrepreneurship. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Singh J.V. (eds. Emerging multinationals in emerging markets. Cambridge University Press, chapter 12, pp. 352-396, Cambridge UK.